Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Why I love eBay

You really can buy anything on eBay. Really. Granted, your chances of buying something illegal are slim because those auctions get cancelled as soon as they are discovered (no, do not test this theory out for yourself by putting your sister or your kidney up for auction), but of the things that can be legally sold within the United States...well, if someone is selling it, it's on eBay. I've bought cool things there that I could find in any store. Like the pie plate that I was finally able to get, replacing the one I broke when I was seven (sorry, Mom) or the herbs I use in soap making (okay, I admit, I was also curious as to whether the post office could tell mugwort from marijuana).

That's not the point. What was the point again? Damn it, I hate it when that happens...

Oh yes, the point was that you can buy anything on eBay. You can get your very own county jail on eBay (http://apnews.excite.com/article/20051129/D8E640E80.html). Not your very own county, unfortunately, just the jail. Why anyone would need their own jail, I don't know. Even when I was in college, none of the parties were that wild.

And if you would like your jail to be fully functional, there's the correctional officer/jail/prison guard test (http://cgi.ebay.com/CORRECTION-OFFICER-CORRECTIONAL-JAIL-PRISON-GUARD-TESTS_W0QQitemZ4592921906QQcategoryZ378QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem), the leg irons/shackles so the prisoner doesn't get away (http://cgi.ebay.com/1800s-Old-West-Prison-Jail-House-LEG-IRONS-Shackles_W0QQitemZ7728330550QQcategoryZ209QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem), the orange jumpsuit (http://cgi.ebay.com/Prison-Inmate-Jail-Uniform-Jumpsuit-orange-4XL_W0QQitemZ8357773030QQcategoryZ16119QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem), the parking sign so you always have a space (http://cgi.ebay.com/WARDEN-PARKING-prison-correctional-jail-sign_W0QQitemZ7727963334QQcategoryZ39720QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) and of course keys (http://cgi.ebay.com/Jail-or-Prison-Keys_W0QQitemZ6230216168QQcategoryZ3557QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) so you can lock your prisoner up in a cell.

Don't get me wrong, there are stupid things on eBay too. Like dog toys. The same dog toys that I can buy at PetSmart for less than what these people want for shipping and handling. Or items that you can buy for just 1 cent (that's right folks, buy it now for $0.01 per unit!), but you have to $19.99 EACH to get it shipped to you.

My personal favorite item on eBay right now is this tee-shirt - http://cgi.ebay.com/JAIL-TO-THE-CHIEF-Patriotic-T-shirt-XL-vks_W0QQitemZ8358193231QQcategoryZ15687QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem. Stuff like this shirt are the reason why I love eBay. It goes well with the county jail, don't you think?

Friday, November 25, 2005

Boycott Sony

In yet another anti-customer move by the music industry, Sony put technology on their CD's which ended up royally f**king up customers computers. Read about it here.

Sony is also being sued in a class-action lawsuit because the CD's failed to disclose that software would be installed on your computer (software which, among other things, disables the CD burner, hides files from you, and leaves your computer vulnerable to hackers) if you did something like, oh say... listen to the CD with Windows Media Player. Read about that at the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/22/technology/22sony.html?ei=5090&en=0d3647edf65d1a92&ex=1290315600&adxnnl=1&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss&adxnnlx=1132905814-qv7AXjobXQ22NIDPyG5oSA

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

I read an interesting question asked recently: Is Thanksgiving a Christian holiday, or is it a national holiday?

I had always considered it to be a national holiday. Yes, the pilgrims were Christians who saw the natives as the people of Satan, but that is beside the point. The first Thanksgiving was to celebrate the fact that the Wampanoag tribe had not only helped the pilgrims survive the winter, but (and most important) the fact that the Wampanoags had signed a treaty giving the land at Plymouth Rock to the pilgrims.

And if you want to know what Native Americans are thankful for on Thanksgiving Day, read this article:


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Getting things started

Might as well just jump right in and let you know where I stand on things (and yes, there will be a lot of political discussion here, feel free to join in).

I support the military troops in Iraq because they were willing to sign up to defend this country, and they went where their Commander in Chief sent them, and are doing the job they were sent to do. I do not support the reason that they are there, and I believe that our troops are being put in harms way so that a few might profit from the situatation.

I believe that President Bush is NOT a good man, and he certainly is not the man to be leading this country. In short, I believe that President Bush is bad for this country.

I believe that Dick Cheney is worst.

I believe that there were never any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, at least not until someone tried to put them there and claim that Saddam was a threat.

I believe that the current administration is nothing but a bunch of hypocrites: what else do you call it when someone condemns Muslim theocracy in other countries while creating a Christian theocracy in this country?

I believe that peace in the Middle East is not possible because there will always be someone outside of the situation that will provoke the situate because it is to their benefit, at the expense of the people who actually live in the Middle East.

I believe that Rush Limbaugh made more sense before he quit the drugs.

I believe that anyone who says that terrorists should strike a particular city or state should be locked up in a mental hospital since they obviously have too few synapses firing in their brains. I mean, I think that the current administration is responsible for terrorism against America increasing, but I don't think that the terrorists should attack the White House, for God's sake.

I believe that what we are guaranteed is not freedom of religion but freedom FROM religion.

I'm not saying that I am absolutely, 100% right and everyone who disagrees is wrong. I don't know about you, but God has not yet sent me a burning bush to tell me that I am right or wrong. It is just my opinion, and like assholes, everybody's got one. You're free to post yours, and even to debate topics so long as it remains fairly civil (please, don't threaten one another with beheadings).