What should you do in the event of a terrorist attack?
If you see a large aerosol can spraying an orange substances, don't run away! Take a moment to ponder whether this could, in fact, be hazardous to you.
The secret to opening the emergency exit is to give it a karate chop at the top, middle and bottom.
No matter what floor you are on, the elevator does not stop on your floor and is cutoff by walls.
Head straight for the exit, or run around the room before leaving?
Luckily, there is no door leading to the contaminated area. Unfortunately there is no door leading to the shelter either. How did you get into a room with no door?
In the event of a terrorist attack, fire trucks will be equipped with ladders and bongs.
Find the small desk with the heaviest monitor sitting on it and crawl underneath.
If you are trapped beneath rubble, use your flashlight to make shadow puppets.
While trapped in a confined space, try not to fart.
In the event of a nuclear blast, swerve into the bike lane and continue to drive towards the blast.
Hey, if it could work in Back to the Future, why not give it a try? A live power line may be just the boost you need to go to the past and prevent this terrorist attack.
Radiation will try to lure you with its siren song. Fortunately, a piece of sheetrock will block its call and keep you safe.
Microwave humans on high for 5 minutes 12 seconds.
Radiation makes you grow taller -- watch your head!
The white tents are for appearance only. If you need medical attention, please lie down on the ground outside of the nice white tent -- we don't want to get them dirty.
No, you still cannot see the file that the government created on you based on the warrantless wiretapping.
Do not offer anal sex to the terrorists. You'll only regret it in the morning.
Remember: Pillage, then burn.
Pop Quiz! Which of these items does not belong?
a) biohazardous material
b) dead fish
c) hurricanes
Decide now where you want to have sex when the terrorists strike so you don't waste time.
The Golden Gate Bridge is not a terrorist target.
Texas, however, is.

The secret to opening the emergency exit is to give it a karate chop at the top, middle and bottom.

a) biohazardous material
b) dead fish
c) hurricanes