Tuesday, April 24, 2007

So what can we do about it?

This is my Tuesday topic -- What can we do about changing the way things are?

How can you and I end this pointless, endless war before another 3,333 U.S. soliders die? What can the ordinary citizens do to stop George Bush and Dick Cheney? Protests? Blogs? Let's be honest, no blog is going to change politics or get us out of Iraq, no matter how much we would like to believe that we are making a difference. Bloggers open the diaglogue and get conversations started in the hopes of getting people to think, but that is all that we can do.

Protests don't do much either. Oh sure, a good protest rally (especially one that gets national coverage) sends a message to Washington and to the White House. The problem is that the White House has given us the proverbial finger and no matter what message the people send to the White House, Bush and Cheney are going to do as they please.

What are we supposed to do?

1 comment:

Anthropositor said...

It is the world of ideas and innovation, reason and respect that holds the answer.

Not in devisiveness, war and internal chaos. The world is too small, too crowded to continue to generate the toxins of war. Carnage and destruction have no value but the cost is immense.